Weddings & Baptisms


Wedding Preparation Day

The Wedding Preparation Day for 2022 has been set for Saturday 12th February and will be held on Zoom. Further details will follow in due course, but the day usually includes a pasty lunch.

Please email with any queries regarding your wedding.

Marriage Certificates

Marriage Registers in Churches are now closed, so instead of signing the Registers, couples will sign a Marriage Document. 

Following the Ceremony, the Document is sent to the local Registrar who then registers the Marriage.  The Vicar who conducted your Wedding Service will usually send the Document to the Registrar, but you are able to take it yourself if you want to obtain the marriage certificate more quickly.

Your Marriage Certificate (the legal proof of your marriage) is no longer issued by the Priest conducting the ceremony. Instead, you will need to apply for the Certificate online or in person, and pay the fee which has been set, initially at £11.  To apply online go to or telephone 0300 1234 181.

You are able to apply and pay for your Marriage Certificate in advance, and the Registrar will issue the Certificate within 7 days of receiving the Marriage Document.  

Please note that the pretty floral certificate which we gave to you on your wedding day is NOT a legal document so you will need to obtain this Certificate from the Registrar to prove your marriage has been legally validated.  (The Registrar will not automatically send your Certificate to you which is why you will need to apply yourselves.)

In case of questions please contact Rev’d Amanda or Judy Menage:

Amanda Evans – or 01326 318059

Judy Menage – or 01326 259909